So. Yesterday we were up at DHs work. His cousin was there with us, and two of the other people who work there were there, including the manager. The manager was making the schedule. Asking everyone if they wanted to work this day, or that day and whatnot. I was waiting to hear about DH working on Wednesday, so I could speak up and say that we had a Drs appt. But I didn't hear anything. I had assumed someone else would be working. Well at about midnight last night, DH cousin asks DH "Are you working tomorrow morning, because I think you are scheduled" At that point it was too late to call and ask someone to look at the schedule because they were closed. And usually one of us takes a picture of the schedule because there has been times in the past where the schedule gets changed without notifying people. But no one took one this time. I spoke up and said, I don't think either of you are working, but DHs cousin thought DH was scheduled. OK. Well we had an appt in the morning, so his cousin was going to work at least while we were at the appt, because he had to work that night. But DH was going to come in a relieve him as soon as we were done at the appt. Well come to find out, neither one was scheduled like I had thought, but the manager was scheduled. But not knowing this (and also not knowing that Cousin had already spoken to manager this morning and found out that neither one was scheduled) Manager had texted DH asking him if he could open this morning, not know this, DH texted back "no problem". Because we thought Cousin would still be going in for him. No. Dh woke his cousin up and pretty much he is a lazy freaking asshole and didn't want to go in. KNOWING WE HAD AN APPT TODAY!!! I am so beyond pissed its unreal. Dh and I got into a fight because I was so upset. So as I was taking him to work, we are both crying and upset and yelling at each other. I feel bad that we did that. But I was so angry! I still am! I do not want to see his cousin whatsoever today because I will RIP HIS FREAKING HEAD OFF IF I DO! So Im not even going home at lunch like I normally do. Its just unbelievable that he couldn't or wouldn't do this for us so DH could be with me today. Its not like it was a freaking ultrasound, or a very important appt or anything, but DH likes to be there, and I like him to be there. He likes to ask questions and be involved. I mean this was the first time I had to go alone. I was scared and nervous. Not that I had anything to be nervous about. I just didn't want to be alone. I wanted my honey with me. So his cousin was up as we were leaving the house, he wasn't even still sleeping. He was in the bathroom and stuff. So before we left he could have spoken up and said, oh wait, I will go ahead and go. My appt was so short too! He wouldn't even have had to been there very long. Just maybe an hour. I was literally in the office, 25 mins. that's all. That's with checking in, getting blood pressure and weight taken, and peeing in a cup, and speaking to midwife, and listening to baby boys heartbeat.
Speaking of weight. So this pregnancy... I have gained 30 lbs total. My midwife didn't mention anything about this, so she must not be too concerned. But I wish I had remembered to ask her about it. Oh well!
We have our glucose testing next appt! Yay! Not. :) It will be fine though. Im sure. As long as I have my hubby with me...
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