Hi! I am so happy to finally start this blog! I have wanted to document my life for a while now, and have never gotten around to doing so. I guess I have a ton to document so far. There has been so much going on.
Let me start off first by saying that today I am 21 weeks, and 3 days pregnant with my first child, Judge Ryan Looney. Travis and I absolutely can not wait until we can finally meet this precious gift we have been given. We are so blessed in so many ways, its unreal.
Now, let me go back in time a bit, and refresh myself of what has been going on in our lives. I do not want to forget any moment of this pregnancy/amazing time in my life. I am kicking myself for not starting this sooner.
We had our first wedding anniversary October 2012. We had been talking about trying to have a baby in the months leading up to October, but we decided to wait until our first anniversary to try to conceive our first child, thinking it would take a few months. I read up on a bunch of stuff, temping, OPKs, all of that. I wanted to go out and buy a whole bunch of TTC (trying to conceive) products, but Travis convinced me not to. He was convinced it wouldn't take long at all to get pregnant. I ended up just going out and buying a Basal Body Thermometer to take my temperature each morning. That did not work out. Ha! I did it the first few times, and then I quit. Im not sure why. I just was lazy I guess! Oh well! So! We started TTC right after our anniversary, at the end of October. This is also the time that I joined the TWW. I documented the first and last day of my period that cycle, and the days that we made love, and during the two week wait, I documented any symptoms I felt I had. I wasn't sure what would come of it, but I wanted to make a detailed list of documentation so that if we DID have trouble conceiving, I would have that ready to take to the Dr. But we were lucky. We got pregnant the first month of trying! I honestly couldn't believe it. I think the day I got my first positive pregnancy test was December 5. I remember thinking on Thanksgiving, that I could possibly be pregnant. I remember being so thankful for the child that could be forming inside of me at that moment in time (and it was!) I remember thanking God so much for the gift I could have at the moment. I didn't think I was pregnant though, I was sure we wouldn't get pregnant on our first try. I just was thankful for what COULD be. Then about a week later we found out that we were for sure expecting! I hope I never forget that day! I woke up a little early, grabbed my pregnancy test, and walked across the house into our guest bathroom, as I didn't want to wake Travis up using the master bathroom. I peed in the cup, dipped the test in, put the cap on, set it on the sink and waited. I watched as the pee ran across the stick... and lo and behold, a little line started coming up (I had tested about a week before this and it was negative, and there was not so much as a hint of a line). I was thinking "WHAT? Really?" Waited a few more seconds and the control line came up as well. The test line just got darker as it sat there. I didn't know what to do! I had thought up all these cute ways to tell Travis... but couldn't think of any right then at that moment. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled and started crying. I was so happy. So I went into the kitchen and grabbed a poppy seed (as that's what size the baby was that week), and tiny little pin-point of a baby in my belly! I grabbed the seed, went to the bedroom, woke Travis up and asked him to hold out his hand. He looked so scared! (He told me later he thought that Lily had lost a tooth or broke a nail or something) He said "Why?" I told him that I wanted to show him something. So he held out his hand and I set the poppy seed in there. I said "That is the size of your baby right now" His eyes got wide and said "Really?" We laughed and cried and I showed him the test, and cried a little more. We were both SO happy! We got ready for work in complete awe. We had a little baby on the way! Well when we got to work, Travis wanted to tell everyone. We told Pawpaw first. Then told Granny. Then we went next door to the Insurance office to tell his Mom. But before we got over there we ran into her in the courtyard. She knew something was up because we couldn't stop smiling. Travis told her she was going to be a grandma and she kept saying "Really? Really?" Then she said a few times "Im scared". I think she was scared because she had had a few miscarriages before she conceived Travis. And we had JUST tested that morning and found out so we were still SUPER early. I don't think she wanted us to go through that. So we continued telling people that day. I didn't want to tell anyone so soon, but Travis was just so excited and proud, and wanted to tell everyone so I let him. The one person who had something a little negative to say was his aunt. Which, it wasn't SUPER negative, but I just didn't see why she would say that to someone who had just found out they were pregnant. She said "Congratulations, but you know you are really early so don't get too excited" Really? But you couldn't bring me down. I was on cloud 9. So that night my mom was working and we went up to the hospital to tell her. I had been texting her the week before and told her I was going to test soon. (Both of our moms knew we were trying to conceive) So when Travis and I walked in, she had this huge smile on her face. She knew! I looked at Trav and said "Look at her smiling like she knows something!" She said "I do!" and we told her and she came around and gave us huge hugs! It was awesome. We waited a few weeks to tell my dad I think we told him in the middle of January. I wanted to wait to tell him for two reasons, I didn't want to lose the baby and have to tell him that. And I was actually a little nervous to tell him. But he was so happy! He was saying WhooHoo and stuff over the phone. He couldn't wait. He is so excited to be a Pawpaw! And when we told my Grandma! Oh geez! She was even more excited! She said "Oh my goodness! Ive been waiting for this!" She is so cute! I am so happy to be able to give our parents their first grandchild, and my grandmas first great-grandchild.
Our first Dr appt was on December 27, going by my last period I should have been about 8 weeks. But when he did the ultrasound it showed I was measuring at 6 weeks and 3 days. We saw Dr Moore and we got to see the babys heart beat! It was seriously so amazing. We liked Dr Moore, he was nice and professional. Our estimated due date is August 19, 2013!
Our second Dr appt was on January 24, I was 10 weeks and 3 days, we were supposed to see Dr Moore again, but as soon as we got into the exam room he left. He had to go deliver a baby at the hospital. So the nurse came in and asked if we would mind seeing a Nurse Practioner and a Midwife. We didn't mind. We were supposed to be hearing our babys heartbeat with a Doppler. We had talked about seeing a Midwife before seeing the Dr, but my mom had referred us to Dr Moore, and we ended up liking him anyways so we were just going to stick with him. But we LOVED our midwife Christy! She is so sweet! We got to hear babys heartbeat! It took them a while to find it, but when they did it was amazing. It was around 160 BPM. We scheduled our NT scan.
We had our NT scan on Valentines Day! I was 13 weeks and 3 days! What a perfect way to spend a Valentines Day, getting to see our precious baby. I had read that if you drink cold orange juice baby will be active. Well I did, and baby was so active. The tech said baby was so much more active than most and was one of the most active ones shes seen. Travis cried as soon as he saw baby on the screen. I didn't though, I thought I would, but I was just so amazed. I had told Travis before the appt that we might be able to tell if its a boy, if he had his parts and were showing them. But more than likely it would just look like a girl since they all look similar right at this stage. Travis asked the tech "So does it still look like a girl?" She said "Did I say that?" The way she said it made us think it might have been a boy. I blurted out "Is it a boy?!" She said she couldn't tell. She said it was way too early to tell right now (although when we went in for our anatomy scan she asked if she made a gender prediction for us, so apparently it wasn't too early to make a guess...?) We waited for the results for a few minutes and she came back and told us we had a 1 in 10,000 chance baby has Downs Syndrome or any other Trisomys! Blessed!
The next week we had an appt with our Midwife. It was February 21, and I was 14 weeks and 3 days. She said baby looked perfectly healthy. We showed her pictures from our NT Scan, and she said baby looked good, but she couldn't tell what the gender was. She said the next appt we would be seeing Dr Moore. We were under the impression that we were midwife patients now, so that caught us off guard. We asked "why? We thought we would be seeing you from now on" She said "Oh, well if you want to become midwife patients we can do that, I just need to see if we have any more spots available for August" She left the room for a minute and came back with a calendar. She said they had one more spot available! We snagged that sucker up! So we officially became midwife patients today. Yay! She found the heartbeat on the Doppler fairly easily, it took just a minute, but it was around 140 BPM.
A few days after this appt I felt my first baby kick. I dropped Travis off at work, and went to get food for us, on my way back to the office, I felt the lightest little "tap". So sweet! I didn't feel it again for maybe a few more days, and until about week 17 or 18, it was very sparce. I rarely felt anything. Then all of a sudden I was feeling baby just about everyday, and even a few times a day. And now, I feel baby every single day, and a few times a day for sure. It seems like a lot of the time, its in the mornings as I am waking up. But its throughout the day as well. Just seems to be more active in the mornings, and even at night sometimes!
March 15 was my 23rd birthday. We went to dinner at my FAVORITE Italian place, Baris. My mom, Billy, Andrew, Debbie, Kevin, Travis, Anna and HC were there. I got lots of maternity clothes! My mom got me 3 or 4 shirts, a pair of shorts and a $50 Target gift card. Granny got me a pair of jean shorts and $50, and Debbie got me a pair of jean capris with $50. Travis got me Season 9 CSI Miami! My mom had a dream that I was having a baby girl. She is certain that she is right! We will see soon! Today also marked 100 days since we got our positive pregnancy test! 100 days since finding out we have a little baby in the making! Amazing!
March 27 was my anatomy scan!!! I was 19 weeks and 2 days. We were so excited for this appt. Today was the day we would find out "who" was in my belly! I drank some orange juice again before we went in. I got weighed, and at this appt I weighed 20 lbs more than I did at my first appt! Yikes! Oh well though! The baby must like it! So, we purchased a disk so we could get it recorded. We got a glimpse of babys head first, and then the tech went straight for the goods. (After asking if we wanted to know the sex or not) As soon as I saw it, I knew before she said "It's a boy". But that didn't make it any less shocking! Not a bad shock though, a good one. I had been saying the whole time I was pregnant, that it felt like a boy. I am so happy that I was right. Travis immediately started crying, and so did I. We were elated! We had promised his granny that if we had a girl, we would keep trying until we had a boy so we could pass on our last name. Since we are the only ones now that can do so. Wow. What an amazing thing, to find out the sex of your child. She took all the measurements for everything, and everything was measuring perfectly! She said baby boy was 10 oz!!! Wow! We even got to see his precious little face in 3D!! He is so adorable! He had his feet all the way up over his head, and kept trying to grab them. I cant wait to meet this little angel. And kiss his sweet handsome face! We saw the midwife after our scan, she said everything on the report looked great. It was a short visit with her, we didn't have any questions or anything so she pretty much just went over the report with us. After we left there we met my Dad (him and Kelly were in town to visit from Iowa) Kelly and Andrew at Chilis and had lunch. They were happy for us getting our boy. Andrew was a little disappointed though I think, because he had had a dream the week before and told me "I had a dream, you are having a girl, and she will have red hair. I will love her so much, and be super protective of her" So he was certain his dream was going to be true. But he is so excited to be an uncle. Whether it be a boy or girl. We said goodbye to Dad and Kelly. And Travis took me back to work. We told everyone and they were super happy for us. We told Granny that night at work. She was very proud!
I have not had very many symptoms throughout my pregnancy. At the very beginning I did get nauseas a little, but never threw up. So no morning sickness for me. I am very lucky! I had some cramps and stuff in the beginning, and then started getting round ligament pains. Still get them every so often. The top of my uterus is now to my belly button. Wow! I can see little mans kicks from the outside (I took a video the other day) I feel him all the time. I don't get any weird cravings. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that I didn't like or crave before I was pregnant. Except about two months ago I went out and bought a whole bunch of apple sauce. I liked apple sauce before pregnancy, but very rarely ate any.
Well I think that is all for my first post. I thought I had posted this last week, but I accidently just saved it as a draft. Oh well! I will be posting another thread today. Thanks for reading. I hope to make some new friends (and see some of my older friends on here as well) I cant wait to get to know you. :)
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